The Heart of MCM

“Life isn’t the same…We are missing each other very much.” Angellina, MCM 3rd year University Student

“The pandemic has forced MCM to concentrate on the feeding program and clinic taking me back psychologically to where MCM started”  Thamison, MCM’s  Administrator/Human Resources

“I am afraid and feeling sorry for our girls in the villages because I am not there to guide and counsel them.” Eneless, MCM’s Young Women’s Initiative Coordinator

“Everything is completely shut down. I am at home, not at school.  It is difficult to read due to lack of electricity.”  Yakobe, MCM 1st year University Student

During the pandemic, like you, our teachers and staff balance their personal stress with the worry of their jobs.  For MCM’s children the impact of the mitigations are being felt.  Their routine has changed.  They are unable to attend school, see their friends and are unsure of what the future holds.  

COVID 19 update in Malawi  

MCM’s Response:  First, we must provide basic needs for the children so they survive.  MCM is maintaining a daily feeding program, keeping the medical center doors open and providing soap for every child.  Many of you have already given to the ongoing Preparedness Campaign to help raise $28,000 for the immediate purchase of maize, medications and hygiene supplies.  Thank you.  The first distribution of soap was made this week.  

Second, we must guarantee the viability of MCM’s future so the children thrive.  Once reopened, this includes continuing to facilitate programs which offer a better future; MCM Academy, tuition for secondary school and college, stipends for internships and apprenticeships, the Young Women’s and Young Men’s Initiatives, life skills training, counseling, bible studies, the technology program and sports. 

In the absence of “business as usual” it is obvious what is missing at MCM; the elements which foster esteem, confidence, achievement, respect, belonging and purpose.  Without the day to day programs and interactions between MCM’s staff and children the “intangibles” are gone; encouragement, guidance and mentoring.  The heart of MCM.    

We pray your family remains healthy and has the resources needed to see you through these times.