The Widow’s House

By Sean Robinson [September 27, 2012]

Dignity! It doesn’t matter who you are or what your status in life is, everyone needs to feel they worth something. The people of Malawi and especially its beautiful children deserve dignity. It takes people like you who respond to a need – people who will stand-up however they can and make a difference. Here’s a beautiful example:

Phoebe (MCM Social Director) told us about an elderly widower who was caring for several young children by herself. They lived in a pitiful hut with no roof, no door, no security. How does anyone maintain a shred of dignity in conditions like these? After viewing the conditions the widow and children were living in, Ken (MCM Executive Director) shared this story with Kevin de Smidt who decided to do something about it. He began raising donations to rebuild the house.

There is a group at Peninsula Covenant Church in Redwood City, CA who have sponsored several projects at MCM. Kevin de Smidt shared the need with this Group who raised funds for the project. Kevin told other friends about the problem and the message spread. Thankfully, enough funding  was raised to build a new dwelling for the widow and children.

This simple story has a happy ending, as you can see from the photo above. But it took alot of caring people to stand-up and decide that everyone deserves dignity.

We are so, so thankful to the volunteers and sponsors who give of their time and resources to show the children and community of MCM that they are important – that they matter. Dignity for all!