Regular health assessments are conducted to help prevent illness, identify health threats and detect diseases like malaria and HIV AIDs.

Onsite Medical Facilities
MCM has installed a medical room on-site to offer minor medical services. From scraped knees to disease detection, this facility offers a first level response to illnesses that all children face.

Qualified Health Professionals
MCM contracts with trained medical staff to treat medical needs and provide children with remedial care both onsite and offsite. In addition to regular assessments, we monitor children suffering from diseases like malaria and HIV AIDs to ensure they are properly and consistently completing their treatments.

Health & Hygiene Assessments
In partnership with local health NGOs, we conduct regular health assessments for children and villagers. Over 100 children have been successfully diagnosed and treated for malaria. MCM staff also conduct routine hygiene education and maintenance, to help children learn how proper hygiene contributes toward their health.